Where Can I find the OT Bus?
- Private Schools
- Daycares
- Preschools
- Community
In Sandy Springs, Johns Creek, Cumming, Dawsonville, Alpharetta, and the surrounding areas.
How do I know when my child needs an Occupational Therapy Evaluation?
There are several risk signs that indicate that a child may need evaluation from an occupational therapist. For instance, if your child is experiencing difficulty acquiring age-appropriate fine and/or gross motor skills, playing with other children, and handling transitions, he/she may be experiencing sensory integration difficulties. Experiencing difficulty with handwriting can be another sign. If you are concerned that your child’s behaviors or tendencies may have a sensory or motor basis, contact us today for a free consultation to determine whether an evaluation is necessary.
How do I know my child needs Occupational Therapy (OT) to improve handwriting skills?
Signs that a child may need OT may include difficulty recognizing or forming his or her manuscript or cursive alphabet, complaining that handwriting tires them easily, or he/she may have difficulty sitting for a handwriting task. Sometimes a parent or teacher may notice a child’s pencil grasp is immature or that a child has difficulty sitting in their seat.
Do you offer OT screenings?
Yes, we do.
What does an OT screening entail?
An occupational therapy screening is a basic look at your child's fine motor coordination, sensory processing, visual motor skills and independence with self-care skills to determine the need for further evaluation. Your child may need a screening if you have concerns regarding the above mentioned areas or is not meeting age excepted sensory-motor milestones. OT screenings take place at your child's school or daycare or at our office location. Please ask your school's director to contact us to set up screenings at your school!
- Beckman Oral Motor/Feeding
- Handwriting Without Tears
- Sensory Integration Therapy
- Wilbarger Protocol
- The Alert Program
- Vestibular/Visual Training (Astronaut Program)
- Integrated Listening System (iLs)
- Sensory Diet
- MORE for the mouth
- Therapeutic Listening
- The Listening Program
- Interactive Metronome
Do we need a referral from our physician to come to Star Therapy for services?
Star Therapy does not require you to have a medical doctor refer you for services, but if you want services billed to an insurance company, it is necessary that you get one. Most clients find it helpful to have a medical referral on record so it is there if needed.
Insurance companies differ regarding the need to obtain preauthorization for services, the number of visits they will cover in a given time period, and whether they require periodic re-evaluations. The client/parent is responsible for keeping track of these requirements. While Star Therapy can help you make insurance inquiries, we are not responsible for keeping track of this information.
When do I need to pay for my child's services?
Clients have the option of paying for treatment at the time of service or they may choose to prepay each month. You may submit the paid invoices directly to your insurance company.
Will you bill my insurance company automatically?
We do provide this service for BCBS clients.
We are unable to do this for out of network clients, but we are happy to provide you with an invoice that you may use to submit to your insurance for reimbursement.
My insurance company said that you cannot bill me for your services directly.
This is only true if we are a provider for your insurance company. Our fee agreements state that you are responsible for payment of your bill for services rendered.
My insurance company said that they would pay. Can they pay you directly and I only pay the copay/coinsurance?
Unfortunately, due to nonpayment from a number of insurance companies we are unable to wait for your insurance payments. We will give you monthly invoices for you to submit to your insurance company on your own as long as you have paid your balance in full. Most insurance companies take at least 60 days to pay our claims. We appreciate your understanding.
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